Below is the original Church cypher letter, with envelope. The original is in the George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress. Access to the original letter is now restricted; however, I was able to handle this letter over 25 years ago before access, necessarily, was restricted by the Library.
Below is a readable copy of the original cipher letter:
Church used what is referred to in cryptography as a "monoalphabetic cipher" in his letter to John Fleeming, his brother-in-law - a simple substitution code that uses fixed substitution over the entire message as opposed to a "polyalphabetic cipher" that uses a number of substitutions at different times. Here is the key to Dr Church 's cipher:
The top line is the alphabet. The second line sets forth the substitutions in Church's handwriting. The third line is the legible version of the second line. |
Using the key, we get the first two sentences of the letter:
I hope this will reach you. Three attempts have I made without success in effecting the last.
Those interested in the use of ciphers in correspondence in Colonial America may wish to read my blog post on that subject.
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